I think that this decision was literally the hardest decision I have ever had to make. If you know me, you know that I was 4.5 years into midwifery school and was nearing the end. I felt so close to being done with school and taking my exams, but in the end I just couldn't convince myself to put my calling as a midwife before my commitment to my daughter, my husband, and to be honest, to my own health and well being.
My plan now is to keep moving forward as a doula, pregnancy mentor, and birth educator - all roles that I absolutely love! Birth work is my passion and no road block is going to keep me from being there to nurture and empower the women and families that I feel I am on this earth to serve.
It's funny, even though the last month has felt like an emotional roller coaster, I'm feeling very grateful. I'm spending a lot of time thinking about how sacred pregnancy and birth are and how blessed I have been to be so intimately involved in the welcoming of so many new souls into this world.
As I reflect on my life purpose and my true goals, I see clearly that at the bottom of things is the calling to educate, support, and empower women during their pregnancies, births, and beyond; and to give them the opportunity to have a birth that not only goes quicker and smoother, but also has the potential to be safer than it would have been without the strategies I have to share.
There's no way I can make the difference I want to make in women's lives and in the world unless I can somehow reach lots of women and simultaneously make the information and motivation I offer easily accessible. So, that brings me to what I really want to share with you - or rather, remind you of if you are a friend or a regular on my blog!
As you may know, I have an awesome online program (it's all about how to nurture and nourish your body and soul so you can set yourself up for the happy and healthy birth of your dreams) that's absolutely packed with info, energy, and motivation. Since it is online, it is easily accessible and can be used by women all over the country, and even the world, IF we can get the word out. Here's the thing though, I need YOU to help me spread the word and make a difference! If you believe in women, and babies, and birth, then just start talking about this. The program literally has all the most important things that pregnant women need to hear and take to heart to have a chance at a peaceful, positive, empowering birth in out world today.
If you happen to be a doula or childbirth educator, let me tell you that having your clients use this program will almost surely make your job easier because not only does it spell out the most important things your clients and students need to know, but it provides both motivation and a system for staying organized and on track as they prepare their minds and bodies to give birth. It pretty much sets them up for a quicker, easier, and even safer birth. Plus, it gives them more reason to value their doulas/labor support people, and their birth educators. You can either encourage them to invest in this and in themselves, or you might even consider giving it as a gift to your clients when they sign up with you (talk to me about a "bulk" rate if you are thinking about this option).
Whether you are a mom, a doula, a childbirth educator, or even just a friend reading my blog, by letting people know about this opportunity you are helping me empower women, support families, respect birth, and change the world - one nurtured mommy, one birth, and one baby at a time.
For more details click here: 3 Key Strategies to Get the Birth You Want