Well, needless to say, this trip won't be happening anytime soon (although Jordan did offer to take me to Mobile, Alabama instead - HA!), but I am still thrilled beyond belief that I am actually about a pound and a half UNDER my goal weight!!!! I find it a little hard to believe. I had to go out and buy a pair of pants in a size 6 the other day, after a congregant mentioned that my pants were falling down! A little embarrassing to say the least, but she honestly meant it as a complement - and I took it as such - on how skinny I have gotten.
Now, I'm guessing you're wondering how in the world I lost that much weight. As much as I would love to tell you that I suddenly got super motivated to exercise and that I work out all the time now, that would be a huge lie. I do get in about a 15 to 30 minute walk maybe twice a week, but other than that I haven't been devoting any time to cardio workouts. And no, I haven't been counting calories either. I eat as much as I want throughout the day, including over eating at meals sometimes. I eat plenty of carbs too, but just not the empty carbs that I used to stuff my face with all the time.
Here's what I've done to lose the weight:
- Cut out things that were giving me hives on a daily basis (wheat, dairy, and corn - including anything with maltodextrin on the label)
- Cut way down on my sugar intake and only eat something sweet if I REALLY can't resisit (plus I started reading every label and I won't eat anything that works out to more than 5 grams of sugar in one sitting, period - so if I have to eat half of a cookie, I eat half of a cookie)
- Limit my fruit intake to basically a half a piece of fruit a day (I am SUPER sensitive to even the sugar in fruit, so this works for me)
- Make sure I have carbs with whatever I'm eating so that I don't feel deprived by not eating wheat (examples: rice, quinoa, lentil chips, flaxseed crackers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice noodles, bread baked with almond flour or coconut flour - or sometimes a packaged gluten free bread mix with potato starch, etc.)
- Unlimited snacking, lots and lots of snacking (examples: cashews, pistachios, almonds, sunflower seeds, veggie chips, nori, rice cereal with almond milk, carrots, hummus or guacamole with lentil chips, peanut butter, more peanut butter, and more peanut butter - I love peanut butter and love to eat it by itself!)
- Meal planning - this could be a whole other post, so I'll just say for now that meal planning has made it easy to have well rounded/healthy, filling, delicious meals on the table - not to mention how awesome this has been for our budget since we are eating out a lot less now.
- Knowing which restaurants serve things I can eat that I am also excited about - my favorites are sushi, Vietnamese food, and Mexican fajitas, without the tortillas of course.
When I first decided I was going to make some big big changes in my diet I was completely overwhelmed. I had no idea how worth it it would be in the end! I still totally enjoy my food - maybe even more than I used to because I appreciate it so much more now and am completely conscious of what I am putting into my body. Plus, I feel like I have much more energy now, I feel sooo much better about my mommy body, and I am ridiculously proud of myself for making changes that were difficult but influenced my day to day living (and probably my long term health, too) in positive ways on so many levels.
It just took determination, planning, and of course learning what things would help me stick to that plan. If you are at all interested in making some similar changes, I hope you will be able to glean from my experience and find what will work for you too. I bet it'll be totally worth it!