As moms we work hard. We work hard because we love our kids, we love our families. We want to give our children all the affection, attention, healthy food, reasonably clean and comfortable environment, and so many other things that we believe they deserve as they grow up. But sometimes we go days and days without thinking about what we need for ourselves, or what we need to feel nurtured on a day to day basis.
There are so many simple things: a shower at least every other day, a nap once in a while to feel completely rejuvenated, time to sit down and eat a *warm* meal from start to finish at least once a day (or even once a week might be nice)! If you're a mom, you know what I'm talking about.
I want to challenge you to do 2 things right now. You can do these on a piece of paper, on your computer, or even on your phone if you're more motivated to just click to compose an email and send this to yourself. I want you to make 2 lists. One of the lists can start with some of the things I listed above, but I want you to have at least 10 things that you can do for yourself or ask of your partner on a weekly basis so that you feel more nurtured and appreciated, on a regular basis - rather than just one guaranteed day a year. Your second list is going to be at least 10 things that you LOVE about being a mother. Each of the things on this list should be things that energize you and make you feel emotionally connected with your children when you think of them. I'll share my lists with you below and if you feel so inclined, feel free to copy and paste your lists into a comment box below to share with the Nurtured Mommy community.
Let these lists be a tool and a gift to yourself for this year, that you can stick on your fridge and refer back to whenever you're feeling exhausted, out of patience, or just generally bogged down with so many things on your plate.
Happy Mother's Day to all you Nurtured Mommies!
To Feel Nurtured:
1. regular, *leisurely* showers
2. a nap at least once a week (or once a day if your baby is under 3 or 4 months old!)
3. a warm plate of food, from start to finish
4. a bubble bath would be even better - maybe add some epsom salts and essential oils, and dim the lights
5. time to sit outside and look through whatever magazine floats my boat (mine would be Midwifery Today)
6. time to cut and file my fingernails and even paint them (what a concept!)
7. go out to dinner with another mom once a month, without the kids or hubbies
8. wear my hair down and let myself feel well put together at least a couple times a week
9. take 10 minutes each morning to breathe, be calm, reflect and consider the potential of the day that lies ahead
10. take the extra 2 minutes in the morning to choose a pair of earrings, a scarf, or some other unnecessary accessory that makes me feel like I'm expressing myself as a woman and not just a mom as I go about my day
What I LOVE About Being a Mom:
1. the cuddles
2. that I have the opportunity to nurture and nourish my babies any way I see fit
3. understanding my daughter better than anyone else does
4. the thrill of watching her be creative and silly
5. that smile!
6. when she grabs a book or 2 and comes and plops down on my lap, like its her spot and nobody else's
7. that she'll come blow rasberries/zerberts/whatever you call them on my tummy when she wants to make me laugh (or get my full attention)
8. how she communicates with me when she needs something, or even when she just wants to listen to some music or dance! (I love how she pretends to snap and dance till I put the music on)
9. that sweet face when she is sound asleep
10. to see her learning to respect people and show love and kindness, including when she kisses prayer books (just makes me melt and feel proud all at once!)