Tell anyone and everyone you know who is pregnant about this intensely awesome and sooo helpful multimedia program called
"3 Key Strategies to Get the Birth You Want." Tell them that I am running a GIVEAWAY RIGHT NOW!!!
One lucky Nurtured Mommy-to-be will win this valuable, content rich, multimedia program for FREE!
This is a $297 value!
The winner will be chosen in one week on May 28 and announced on The Nurtured Mommy Community facebook page, blog, and in the next Nurtured Mommy E-zine issue.
In order to win, you must do 3 things:
1) Sign up for the Nurtured Mommy E-zine (if you haven't already), which you can do on either my homepage (www.nurturedmommy.com) and get a free video on curbing morning sickness while you're at it, or here on my blog page by entering your name and email in the box on the right.
2) "Like" The Nurtured Mommy Community on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/nurturedmommy).
3) Post one question you have about pregnancy or birth on the wall of The Nurtured Mommy Community (your question might end up being chosen for a Nurtured Mommy Q & A video series coming soon)!
For program details and to findout how to nurture and nourish your body and soul so you can set yourself up for the happy and healthy birth of your dreams, click here:
Now run and tell all your friends, and "share" it on facebook too! There is no limit to how many pregnant mommies can enter to win, but they have to do it before May 28!!!